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To Tri or Not To Tri?

A race I wanted to do that sold out before I could register opened back up yesterday. My coach called to tell me. I immediately came up with every reason why I couldn't do it. She immediately retorted with solutions to the reasons I came up with. My reasons are valid. I can't afford it. My bike SUCKS. It's a hilly course, and I've ridden nothing but flats for 2 months. And, oh yeah, it's this Saturday!

Do I want to do the race? HELL YES! Do I think I can? ummmmmm, I don't know. I think this is why I'm coming up with the excuses. I could finish it. But would I be happy with my time? Or would I beat myself up over the third triathlon failure of the year? Or, could I do what K Dub wants, and just have fun? Enjoy the hills, do it because I love triathlon, not for any other reason.

I will admit, if I had $100 extra bucks in my account, I would just sign up. And the thought of doing another race excites me. I could use the adrenaline rush of crossing the finish line again. And it's a beautiful race.

Probably won't do it. It was so much easier when it was sold out, and not an option, and there was no choice.


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