I never got to see your face, I never got to give you a name, I never found out if you were a boy or a girl. I never got to meet you, but I will never forget you. How could someone who was never even born have changed my life so much? Someone who never got to take a breath be missed and grieved for so deeply? It's been four years since I failed as a mother. My one job was to keep you safe, and help you grow for nine months, but after nine short weeks I failed you. My body couldn't do the one task that a woman is designed for.
Four years ago today, I lost my baby. And I have a huge gaping hole inside of me still. I think that is one of the reasons I started running. To try and run away from the pain. It's not working. It still hurts.
Four years ago today, I lost my baby. And I have a huge gaping hole inside of me still. I think that is one of the reasons I started running. To try and run away from the pain. It's not working. It still hurts.