After all was said and done, and I paid my bills, I had no money left over for groceries this week. I have cereal, milk, and a few odds and ends, but no dinners. Our Mother's Day dinner consisted of pancakes, cereal and the last of the cantaloupe from last weeks shop. Luckily the boys school lunch accounts was filled up by their father on Friday, so they are set for lunch. Mondays and Wednesday's they go to their dad's, so I don't have to worry about those nights. Tuesday is a baseball night, so cereal will do since we have to eat fast to get to the field, they won't question it. But by Thursday, The Big One will be sick of having nothing to snack on after school, and cereal will probably not pass as dinner for a third night.
My plan was to hit up the food bank yesterday. Since gas consumption is a concern, I looked online and found the one closest to my work that was open on Mondays. Called ahead to find out what I needed to "prove" I needed help. They said just go. That if it wasn't the one I'm supposed to be at, they would give me a one time emergency supply of food, and refer me to the right one. So, I went on my lunch break. When I got there, the workers were taking their lunch, so I had to wait, along with two very well dressed women, both sporting very large Coach purses, and speaking a language that was not English. When the workers lunch was over, and they invited us to come in, the womens' accents were so thick, I could barely understand them when they were speaking English.
They went first, got checked in, and went to get their food. I was then told, no, I was at the wrong place. They weren't sure which one I should go to, but here is the number to call. Sorry.
This is very discouraging to me. I need help. I literally have no money to buy food. These women clearly aren't hurting. They were not born here. Probably not even citizens. I am a tax payer. Have been paying taxes since I was five because of an inheritance my uncle left me when he died. Besides WIC for a few months when The Big One was born, and HEAP this year, I've taken care of myself. Now, when I am desperate, I get nothing. I actually have $5 a week taken out of my paycheck that goes to United Way, which supports Food Bank. I'm not planning on using the service often. Hoping this was the only time I needed to. And I got turned away.
I had posted a vent on Facebook when I returned to work, and quickly several friends offered me money. I wasn't looking for a handout from anyone. Just wanted to bitch about the fact that the system is screwed up. So I quickly took the post down. I'm not taking money from friends. I don't know when or if I will be able to pay people back. I can't have that guilt hanging over my head. I'll survive. It will be ok. Friday will be here before I know it, and I will stock up again. It was just a really off week with bills and obligations. Not a typical one.
So to all of those who offered help, thank you. And to those who turned me away when I needed help most, thanks for showing me how it really is.
My plan was to hit up the food bank yesterday. Since gas consumption is a concern, I looked online and found the one closest to my work that was open on Mondays. Called ahead to find out what I needed to "prove" I needed help. They said just go. That if it wasn't the one I'm supposed to be at, they would give me a one time emergency supply of food, and refer me to the right one. So, I went on my lunch break. When I got there, the workers were taking their lunch, so I had to wait, along with two very well dressed women, both sporting very large Coach purses, and speaking a language that was not English. When the workers lunch was over, and they invited us to come in, the womens' accents were so thick, I could barely understand them when they were speaking English.
They went first, got checked in, and went to get their food. I was then told, no, I was at the wrong place. They weren't sure which one I should go to, but here is the number to call. Sorry.
This is very discouraging to me. I need help. I literally have no money to buy food. These women clearly aren't hurting. They were not born here. Probably not even citizens. I am a tax payer. Have been paying taxes since I was five because of an inheritance my uncle left me when he died. Besides WIC for a few months when The Big One was born, and HEAP this year, I've taken care of myself. Now, when I am desperate, I get nothing. I actually have $5 a week taken out of my paycheck that goes to United Way, which supports Food Bank. I'm not planning on using the service often. Hoping this was the only time I needed to. And I got turned away.
I had posted a vent on Facebook when I returned to work, and quickly several friends offered me money. I wasn't looking for a handout from anyone. Just wanted to bitch about the fact that the system is screwed up. So I quickly took the post down. I'm not taking money from friends. I don't know when or if I will be able to pay people back. I can't have that guilt hanging over my head. I'll survive. It will be ok. Friday will be here before I know it, and I will stock up again. It was just a really off week with bills and obligations. Not a typical one.
So to all of those who offered help, thank you. And to those who turned me away when I needed help most, thanks for showing me how it really is.
Hope things start getting a little easier for you!