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As part of my quest for iron, I was advised to first run a marathon.  Something I've thought about doing since I became a runner almost three years ago, but never seriously considered a possibility.  But, if I want to complete a full Ironman, I obviously need to be able to run 26.2, so I decided that I needed to complete my first marathon by the end of this year.  My friend Erin then chose the Philadelphia Marathon for us to do as our first, together.  When I told Kristin that I wanted to run Philly, she informed me that it was her favorite one.  What kind of sick group of  people am I now hanging out with that they have a favorite marathon?!?  But her endorsement of the event confirmed that this was the one for me to do.  Erin since changed her mind because of her college budget and schedule not making it a possibility for this year, but KW and I agree that I should still do it. 

Well, having this goal now with set date not only makes it a reality, but means I need to increase my mileage!  No more just running 3 miles.  So, we came up with a new training plan, and I slowly started to run more.  As a result of the increased mileage, I've also had an increase in my appetite.  I often find myself starving.  And not at very convenient times.  My stomach has chosen to wake me up several nights at 2am wanting to be fed.  Or during my long run last Sunday, my breakfast wore off at the half way point, and I had to finish the second half hoping the water I was carrying could sustain me until I made it home.  Time to finally purchase a fuel belt I guess!  Also need to buy some good for me midnight snacks to keep on my night stand. 

I've also become hungry in another way.  One of my goals for every race has always been to simply finish.  I want to get a little faster with each race, but placing has never been something I set my sights on.  I'm not fast.  And I've always been okay with that.  Well, being good friends with a pro triathlete has had a little bit of an effect on my attitude.  I now want to get faster.  And watching Kristin win at Skinnyman last week made me want to do more than just finish.  I don't think I could ever be as fast as KW, win a race,  or even be in the top three.  BUT I'm pretty sure if I take my training seriously, if I actually TRY to TRI there is a chance I could at the very least place in my age group someday.  My friend who helped me train for my very first Iron Girl in 2009 told me there was no reason I couldn't be top three in my age group, but I didn't take him seriously.  Last week I asked him if he really believed I had it in me to be fast, and he said yes. 

So, now I'm hungry to be fast.  I'm hungry to be as good as people tell me I can be. I actually have the faith in myself to set my goal a little higher than just crossing the finish line.  Yes, finishing any race is an accomplishment in itself, especially considering what I've been through in the last 12 months.  But, that is no longer enough for me.  My appetite has increased during this quest for iron.  Not only my hunger for food, but my hunger for winning has as well.


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